I'm pleased to announce that the original short story I wrote for the Historical Novel Society North America Conference contest was among the twelve finalists chosen to appear in the conference anthology! This was only the second short story I've ever written, and will be my first published piece of fiction. The contest asked for short stories set in Las Vegas (the conference location), at any period at least fifty years in the past. I conducted tons of fascinating research on early nuclear testing at the nearby Nuclear Proving Ground and its effects on Vegas culture. The resulting story, "A Flash in the Pan," focuses on a female spy posing as a waitress in the Sky Room at the Desert Inn resort during one of their infamous early dawn watch parties. Imagine gathering to witness the explosion of an above ground nuclear test only sixty-odd miles away!
Many thanks to the conference committee and the judges for sponsoring the contest. Good luck to the eleven other finalists, as we await the announcement of the grand prize winner on February 7!