Friday, January 10, 2014

Sixteenth Century Quote of the Week

Portrait of Anne d'Heilly, Duchesse d'Étampes,
by Corneille de Lyon. Mid-sixteenth century.
"[Madame d'Étampes] a tant de crédit que je puis dire, qu'elle seule peult tout en ce royaume et n'y a personne du conseil, du moins s'il veut régner, qui ose parler au Roy de chose petite ou grande, s'il ne scet premièrement que Madame le trouvera bon."

"[Madame d'Étampes] has such credit that I can say that she alone can do anything in this kingdom and there is no one in the council, at least among those who wish for power, who dares speak to the king on the slightest matter unless he first knows whether Madame approves."

Imperial ambassador M. de Saint-Vincent to Mary of Hungary
Letter, May 1541
[translated by David Potter]

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