Friday, February 12, 2010

Sixteenth Century Quote of the Week

"Le jour de la Conversion de saint Paul 1515, mon fils fut oint et sacré en l'église de Rheims. Pour-ce, suis-je bien tenue et obligée à la divine misericorde, par laquelle j'ay esté amplement recompensée de toutes les adversités et inconveniens qui m'estoient advenues en mes premiers ans, et en la fleur de ma jeunesse. Humilité m'a tenu compagnie, et patience ne m'a jamais abandonnée."

"On the day of Saint Paul's conversion in 1515, my son was anointed and crowned in the cathedral at Rheims. For this, I am much beholden and obligated to divine mercy, by which I have been amply rewarded for all the adversities and hindrances which befell me during my early years and the flowering of my youth. Humility kept me company, and patience never abandoned me."

Louise de Savoye, mother of François I
Journal de Louise de Savoye, Duchesse d'Angoulesme, d'Anjou et de Valois
[Translation mine]

1 comment:

Julianne Douglas said...

Lucy, I'm so glad you found the blog and have been enjoying what you read! I hope I can continue to please. :) If you have any suggestions on topics you'd like to read about or features you'd like to see, I'm always open to suggestions!