Friday, December 11, 2009

Sixteenth Century Quote of the Week

"Au dict an, samedy huictiesme mars, fut pendu et estranglé, devant le pillory, à Paris, un jeune garçon qui n'avoit pas seize ans, serviteur de Jean Crevecoeur, joyaullier et orfèvre de Paris, à cause qu'il luy avoit desrobbé environ pour huict ou dix mille livres de bagues et joyaux et de pierreries. Et, pour ce faire, il estoit monté, de nuict, pardessus les maisons, en son grenier, où il y couchea de nuict, et le lendemain dimanche, fit le larcin, pendant que ceux de la maison estoient au seremon."

"In the said year [1516], on Saturday, March 8, a young boy who wasn't yet sixteen, a servant of Jean Crevecoeur, jeweller and goldsmith of Paris, was hanged and strangled in front of the pillory in Paris, for having robbed the jeweller of about eight to ten thousand livres' worth of rings and jewels and precious stones. To accomplish this, he climbed during the night across rooftops and into his [Crevecoeur's] attic, where he spent the night, and the next day, a Sunday, committed the theft while the members of the household were at church."

Anonymous, Journal d'un bourgeois de Paris (1515-1536)
Translation mine

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