Friday, April 23, 2010

Sixteenth Century Quote of the Week

photo of Château of Blois by Christophe Finot

"[I]l n'y a roy ny monarche sur la terre qui soit logé en si grande majesté que le roy de France; ayant les roys qui luy ont succedé, les princes, prelats, grands seigneurs, riches gentilshommes, et autres gens de moyen de ce royaume, si bien fait bâtir à son imitation, que la France se peut vanter d'estre la plus decorée d'excellentes et magnifiques maisons, que tout autre royaume qui soit sous le ciel."

"There is no king or monarch on earth who is housed in as great a majesty as the King of France; and the kings who succeeded him, the princes, prelates, great lords, rich gentlemen and other people of means of this kingdom have built so well in imitation of him that France can boast of being more decorated with excellent and magnificent dwellings than any other kingdom under heaven."

Vincent Carloix, secretary to and author of the Mémoires of
François de Scépeaux, Sire de Vieilleville (1509-1571), French diplomat and ambassador


P. M. Doolan said...

My wife and I hiked for a week along the Loire in April 1990, setting up our little tent on the banks of the river every night. One evening we attended a son et lumiere show at the Chateau of Blois. Your photo remined me of it just now. Thanks.

Julianne Douglas said...

P.M., you're so lucky! I've always wanted to attend a son et lumiere show but never have been able to. And what a chateau to see one at--Blois! I'm glad the photo brought back your happy memory.